How Factions on Both Sides Are Being Manipulated in a 5th-Generation Cold War

The United States finds itself caught in a web of psychological and cultural warfare that seeks to destabilize the nation from within. Both the radical left and right factions are being manipulated, the strategic use of Continuity of Government (COG) procedures could be a potential trigger for unrest. The U.S. government could be being being pushed into a precarious position where it faces no good options.

The Evolution of Warfare: From Conventional to 5th-Generation

In traditional warfare, battles were fought with armies and weapons. However, as military strategists like Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui outlined in their book “Unrestricted Warfare,” the rules have changed. Today, warfare extends beyond the battlefield and into the realm of economics, cyber operations, and, most critically, information and psychological manipulation.

In this new form of conflict, often referred to as 5th-generation warfare (5GW), the goal is not to defeat an enemy in a direct confrontation but to destabilize a society from within, making it vulnerable to further manipulation or collapse. “Fifth-Generation Warfare” by Daniel H. Abbott explains that this warfare involves “shaping the perception of target audiences to create an environment favorable to the actor’s strategic objectives.” This shift has led to the manipulation of political and cultural factions within the U.S., creating a scenario where the government is increasingly cornered by its own responses.

An Atmosphere of Fear: Pitting Factions Against Each Other

At the core of these manipulative strategies is the creation of an atmosphere of fear and suspicion, where all sides are made to fear each other. By amplifying distrust and stoking paranoia, foreign influence campaigns seek to provoke one faction—whether it be the radical left, the patriotic right, or the government itself—into preemptively “firing” first. This could manifest as civil unrest, violent confrontation, or a heavy-handed government response, all of which would play into the hands of those seeking to destabilize the nation.

Manipulating the Radical Left: Hijacking the Language of Empathy

The radical left, particularly those who champion social justice and progressive causes, is often targeted through the manipulation of language and moral imperatives. As Adam Curtis’ “HyperNormalization” and “Century of the Self” documentaries highlight, modern psychological operations exploit deeply rooted emotions and moral beliefs to steer populations toward specific agendas.

The language of empathy and inclusion, which forms the backbone of many leftist movements, can be hijacked to push more radical positions. Influence campaigns on the left often frame issues in absolute moral terms—such as “if you do not support this cause, you are complicit in oppression”—which can drive individuals toward more extreme actions. By manipulating these narratives, foreign actors can deepen divisions and push the left towards ideological rigidity, making dialogue with opposing factions increasingly difficult.

To further inflame tensions, these campaigns often demonize the right as evil authoritarian fascists, painting them as a monolithic group bent on suppressing freedoms and enforcing a regressive agenda. This process of “othering” the right as a faceless enemy serves to justify increasingly extreme positions and actions on the left, contributing to the cycle of polarization and mistrust.

Manipulating the Patriotic Right: Fueling Distrust and Paranoid Narratives

On the other side of the spectrum, the patriotic right is being manipulated through the amplification of distrust in government and the promotion of paranoid narratives. This manipulation is rooted in a longstanding tradition of skepticism towards centralized authority, which can be traced back to fears of government overreach and loss of individual freedoms.

Foreign influence campaigns exploit these fears by spreading narratives that the government is preparing for a draconian crackdown, often tied to Continuity of Government (COG) procedures. For example, narratives might suggest that COG protocols are not just emergency measures but are instead the prelude to martial law or mass detentions. Such narratives, whether grounded in reality or not, find fertile ground in communities already suspicious of government intentions.

In “The Pentagon’s Brain” by Annie Jacobsen, we see how advanced military research, including psychological operations, can be used to shape public perception. When the government’s necessary secrecy around COG procedures is framed as evidence of a sinister plot, it fuels the paranoia of right-wing factions, potentially driving them to take preemptive or even violent actions in what they believe is self-defense.

Simultaneously, these campaigns often demonize the left as a collective force of dangerous radicals or communists seeking to undermine traditional American values and impose authoritarian control. This “othering” of the left as a threat to national identity and individual freedoms further entrenches divisions and justifies the adoption of extreme measures by the right.

The Role of Continuity of Government (COG) Procedures: A Double-Edged Sword

COG procedures are designed to ensure that the U.S. government can continue to operate in the event of a significant crisis, such as a terrorist attack or natural disaster. However, these procedures are often classified or kept secret, leading to public speculation and fear. As “The Atlantic” article on COG procedures outlines, these protocols involve relocating government officials, maintaining communication networks, and preserving essential functions.

In a 5GW context, these procedures can become a tool of psychological warfare. If foreign actors can successfully frame COG procedures as a prelude to authoritarian rule, they can push both the radical left and right into a state of paranoia. For the right, this might manifest as fear of government overreach, while for the left, it could be portrayed as the government’s preparation to suppress progressive movements.

COG procedures could also be seen as a response to a deeper issue of regulatory and institutional capture by foreign agents. In the context of 5GW, various government agencies could be weaponized as part of the information war, with different foreign actors potentially capturing or influencing these institutions to serve their own strategic goals. As a result, the government might resort to COG procedures not only to address external crises but also to reclaim control over institutions that have been compromised or co-opted by foreign interests.

However, in a worst-case scenario, COG procedures could be exploited by a foreign entity that has achieved significant institutional capture. Such an entity might use these procedures to solidify its control over the government, especially against another competing foreign threat actor vying for influence or power within the same institutional framework. This could lead to a situation where COG is no longer just a defensive measure but a means of cementing foreign control over the U.S. government, exacerbating internal conflicts and further destabilizing the nation.

Strategic Entrapment: The Government’s No-Win Situation

The interplay between COG procedures, institutional capture, and the manipulation of factions places the U.S. government in a precarious position. When foreign agents infiltrate regulatory and institutional bodies, these entities can be weaponized against other factions or even against the government itself. This creates a complex battlefield where multiple foreign agents may be working against each other’s interests, turning the U.S. into an arena of competing influence campaigns.

For example, one foreign actor might seek to solidify control over U.S. institutions through regulatory capture, using COG procedures to maintain power against a competing threat actor. Meanwhile, another foreign entity might be attempting to undermine that control, further destabilizing the government’s ability to respond effectively.

In this environment, the government may find itself with three unenviable options:

  • Triggering Unrest by Siding with One Faction: If the government takes action that is perceived as favoring one side—be it the left, the right, or a foreign-influenced faction—it risks alienating and provoking the other, potentially triggering widespread unrest.
  • Allowing Unrest to Build: Alternatively, if the government takes no decisive action, it may allow unrest to build slowly, as cultural and political divisions continue to widen, leading to a slow-motion collapse of order.
  • Implementing COG Procedures: Finally, if the government implements COG procedures in response to a crisis, it could be seen as an authoritarian move or as an attempt by a captured institution to solidify control, further fueling paranoia and potentially sparking immediate unrest.

In his book “The Sovereign Individual,” James Dale Davidson discusses how technological and societal changes can undermine the traditional power structures of governments, leading to scenarios where governments are increasingly outmaneuvered by both domestic and foreign actors. This concept of strategic entrapment, where the government’s responses are all potentially catastrophic, is further complicated by the possibility that multiple foreign agents may be vying for control within the same institutional structures, each seeking to manipulate U.S. policy and public perception to their advantage.

Avoiding the Bolshevik Trap: Inoculating Society Against False Dichotomies

In the face of sophisticated 5th-generation warfare, one of the most dangerous traps a society can fall into is the false dichotomy of fascism versus communism. This binary choice is often presented as the only two viable options in a highly polarized and destabilized environment. However, both fascism and communism, despite their ideological differences, ultimately lead to similar outcomes: the erosion of individual freedoms, the centralization of power, and the emergence of a neo-feudalistic system where the state holds absolute authority over the lives of individuals.

Fascism and Communism: Two Sides of the Same Neo-Feudal Coin

Fascism and communism are often portrayed as polar opposites—one on the far right and the other on the far left of the political spectrum. Yet, when examined closely, they share a number of fundamental characteristics, particularly in how they treat individual rights and how they structure power.

Suppression of Civil Liberties:
Both fascist and communist regimes are notorious for their suppression of civil liberties. In a fascist state, the government often uses nationalist rhetoric to justify the restriction of free speech, the press, and political dissent. Similarly, in a communist state, the government imposes strict controls on all forms of communication and expression to maintain ideological purity and suppress opposition. In both systems, the individual’s freedom of thought, speech, and action is severely curtailed in favor of the state’s control.

Centralization of Power:
Fascism and communism both rely on the centralization of power to achieve their goals. In a fascist regime, power is concentrated in the hands of a single leader or a ruling party that seeks to control all aspects of life, often through a combination of propaganda, militarism, and economic intervention. In a communist regime, the state controls the means of production and distribution, with power centralized in the hands of the ruling party. In both cases, the centralization of power leads to the creation of a bureaucratic elite that wields significant control over the population, reducing the individual to a mere cog in the machine of the state.

Elimination of Political Pluralism:
Both fascist and communist systems eliminate political pluralism, creating a one-party state where dissent is not tolerated. In fascist regimes, this is often achieved through the suppression of opposition parties and the use of force to maintain the ruling party’s dominance. In communist regimes, the state controls all political power, and any form of opposition is deemed counter-revolutionary and harshly punished. This lack of political pluralism ensures that power remains concentrated and unchallenged, further entrenching the ruling elite.

Use of Propaganda and Fear:
Both ideologies use propaganda and fear to maintain control over the population. Fascist states often employ propaganda that glorifies the nation and its leader while demonizing perceived enemies. Communist states use propaganda to promote the ideology of the party and the infallibility of its leaders. In both cases, fear is used as a tool to suppress dissent and ensure compliance, with the state often resorting to surveillance, censorship, and state-sponsored violence to maintain order.

The Neo-Feudal Outcome

Despite their different ideological origins, both fascism and communism lead to a form of neo-feudalism, where a small elite controls the majority of resources and power, while the masses are kept in a state of dependency and subservience. The individual’s autonomy is sacrificed in the name of the collective good, whether that be the nation in fascism or the proletariat in communism. In both systems, the state becomes the ultimate arbiter of life, liberty, and property, with little regard for individual rights or freedoms.

Inoculating Society Against Manipulation

Given the sophisticated strategies at play in 5th-generation warfare, it is crucial to develop a multifaceted approach to inoculate society against the manipulation of factions and the resulting instability. A resilient society, equipped with critical thinking skills, an understanding of media bias, and an appreciation for individualism, is better positioned to resist external and internal manipulation. Below are key strategies for building this resilience:

Critical Thinking and Media Bias Awareness

Critical thinking is the foundation of a well-informed and resilient society. Encouraging individuals to question information, analyze sources, and recognize media bias is essential in an era where misinformation and disinformation are widespread.

Media bias awareness involves teaching people to detect the subtle ways in which information can be slanted to serve specific agendas. This includes understanding how emotional language, selective reporting, and framing can influence perception. By promoting critical thinking and media literacy, individuals can better discern fact from fiction, reducing the impact of manipulative narratives.

Educational initiatives, from primary school through higher education, should incorporate media literacy programs that focus on these skills. These programs can be supplemented with resources like “Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes” by Jacques Ellul, which provides a deep dive into how information is used to shape public perception.

Promotion of Individualism and Decentralization

A key strategy in resisting manipulation is the promotion of individualism and decentralization. By valuing the autonomy of the individual and supporting decentralized structures, society can resist the pull of collectivist or authoritarian narratives that seek to centralize power and control.

Individualism encourages people to think independently, make decisions based on personal judgment, and resist the pressure to conform to groupthink. Decentralization, on the other hand, disperses power and decision-making across smaller, localized entities rather than concentrating it in a central authority. This reduces the risk of systemic manipulation and makes society more resilient to external influence.

James Dale Davidson and William Rees-Mogg’s “The Sovereign Individual” discusses the benefits of decentralization and how it can safeguard freedom in a rapidly changing world. By promoting these principles, society can maintain its diversity of thought and resist attempts to homogenize or control public opinion.

Challenging False Dichotomies

Manipulative narratives often present issues in terms of false dichotomies—oversimplified choices between two extremes that ignore the complexity of reality. By challenging these false dichotomies, individuals can avoid being trapped in binary thinking and recognize the nuance in political, social, and economic issues.

False dichotomies are a common tactic in influence campaigns because they polarize debate and force people into choosing sides, often leading to increased division and conflict. By promoting a culture that values complexity and multiple perspectives, society can resist the divisive effects of such manipulative tactics.

Encouraging public discourse that explores multiple viewpoints and emphasizes the importance of context can help people see beyond black-and-white choices. This approach can be supported by promoting education and media that highlight the diversity of perspectives on any given issue.

Skepticism of Authority and Overly Simplistic or Collectivist Narratives

A healthy skepticism of authority and overly simplistic or collectivist narratives is crucial in a society that values freedom and individual autonomy. While trust in institutions is important, blind trust can lead to manipulation and abuse of power.

Collectivist narratives often promote the idea that the collective good justifies the suppression of individual rights or liberties. Similarly, overly simplistic narratives reduce complex issues to soundbites or slogans, which can be easily manipulated to serve specific agendas. Encouraging skepticism toward such narratives fosters a more critical and questioning public, less likely to be swayed by emotionally charged or authoritarian messages.

Promoting open dialogue, transparency, and accountability within institutions can help maintain a balance between necessary trust and healthy skepticism. Individuals should be encouraged to question and critique both government actions and the media narratives they consume, as outlined in books like “Unrestricted Warfare,” which discusses how governments and other actors can manipulate public perception.

Awareness of Psychological and Cultural Manipulation

Understanding the tactics of psychological and cultural manipulation is essential for resisting the subtle and often insidious influence campaigns that seek to destabilize society. Awareness of how emotions, identity, and cultural values can be manipulated helps individuals recognize when they are being targeted by such tactics.

Psychological manipulation often involves appealing to fear, anger, or other strong emotions to drive behavior. Cultural manipulation may involve co-opting cultural symbols, values, or narratives to steer public opinion. By becoming aware of these tactics, individuals can better protect themselves from being manipulated into supporting harmful agendas.

Educational programs, documentaries, and public awareness campaigns can play a significant role in raising awareness of these tactics. Resources like Adam Curtis’ documentaries “HyperNormalization” and “Century of the Self” provide valuable insights into how psychological and cultural manipulation works and how it can be resisted.

Navigating the Perils of 5th-Generation Warfare

The U.S. finds itself in a precarious situation, where both left and right factions are being manipulated by foreign influence campaigns in a sophisticated form of 5th-generation warfare. By deepening cultural and political divisions, and by framing government actions as sinister plots, these campaigns aim to destabilize the nation from within, potentially triggering unrest through the government’s own responses.

However, through promoting critical thinking, promoting individualism and decentralization, challenging false dichotomies, maintaining skepticism of authority and simplistic narratives, and raising awareness of psychological and cultural manipulation, society can inoculate itself against these threats. Understanding the dynamics at play in this non-binary cold war is the first step toward safeguarding democracy and preventing the strategic entrapment of the U.S. government. By building a society that is informed, engaged, and resilient, the challenges posed by 5th-generation warfare can be mitigated, ensuring a stable and secure future.


  • Liang, Q., & Xiangsui, W. (1999). Unrestricted Warfare.
  • Ellul, J. (1965). Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes.
  • Abbott, D. H. (2010). Fifth-Generation Warfare. Small Wars Journal.
  • Curtis, A. (2002). Century of the Self. BBC.
  • Jacobsen, A. (2015). The Pentagon’s Brain.
  • Davidson, J. D., & Rees-Mogg, W. (1997). The Sovereign Individual.
  • The Atlantic. (2017). Continuity of Government: How the U.S. Would Survive an Attack.

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ism and fascism, despite their differences, ultimately lead to similar outcomes in terms of power centralization and the suppression of individual liberties.

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